Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Do the kids like these or are they all groaners?

Q: What%26#039;s red and goes up and down?

A: A tomato in an elevator.

Q: What did one tube of glue say to the other tube of glue?

A: We have to stick together.

Q: What do you say when you meet a two-headed monster?

A: Hello, hello.

Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?

A: A bulldoser.

Q: When is a baseball player like a thief?

A: When he steals a base.

Q: What did the can say to the can opener?

A: You make me flip my lid.

Q: What is a volcano?

A: A mountain with the hiccups.

Q: What do you find at the end of everything?

A: The letter %26quot;g%26quot;.

Q: What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?

A: He called a toe truck.

Q: Why do two skunks argue?

A: Because they like to kick up a stink.

Q: What did the adding machine say to the cashier?

A: You can count on me.

Q: What is the best way to keep dogs out of the street?

A: Put them in a barking lot.

Q: Why did the cat sleep with a fan on?

A: He wanted to be a cool cat.

Q: What did the painter say to the wall?

A: One more crack and I%26#039;ll plaster you.

Q: Why is baseball like a cake?

A: They both need batters.

Q: What did one dandelion say to the other dandelion?

A: Take me to your weeder.

Q: What kind of shoes do you make with banana skins?

A: Slippers!

Q: What did the rug say to the floor?

A: I%26#039;ve got you covered!

Q: How do you make antifreeze?

A: You steal her blanket.

Q: Why does a cow wear a bell?

A: Because her horns don%26#039;t work.

Do the kids like these or are they all groaners?

loved them all hun!
Reply:...These are very pun-ne. And pun-ne spelled backwards is en-nup - and en-nup is en-nup, so that%26#039;s quite en-nup.
Reply:Some of them are okay, some are dumb and not funny. It depends on how old the kids are i guess.
Reply:They are so bad that some of them are actually almost ok :P
Reply:would have to be a REALLY young kid
Reply:you%26#039;d have to be a really really little kid
Reply:.....very funny.....cute

excellent...awesome..........good job......keep up the good jokes.....made me laugh...lmao
Reply:check these out :---

Q: What%26#039;s the name of the most dangerous city?

A: Electricity!


Q: What is the computer%26#039;s favorite dance?

A: Disk-o.


Q: How would you look if you were bald?

A: I would look with my eyes.

----------------------- -------------------------

Q: Why couldn%26#039;t the flower ride the bike?

A: Because it had lost its petals.


Q: How did the frog die?

A: It croaked!


A boy%26#039;s Mom asks him, %26quot;Honey why are you sleeping with a ruler?%26quot;

The boy replies, %26quot;I wanted to see how long I slept.%26quot;


Q: What should you do with a blue monster?

A: Cheer him up!


Q: What time is it when the clock strikes thirteen?

A: Time to buy a new clock!


Q: Why do seagulls fly over the sea?

A: Because if they flew over the bay they would be called bagulls.


Q: Why do cows have bells?

A: Their horns don%26#039;t work.


Q: What did the spider do in the computer?

A: He made a webpage.


Q: What do squirrels do when they fall in love?

A: They go nuts!

Q: Why did the ghost cross the road?

A: The chicken got hit by a 16 wheeler.


Q: Why did the punk rocker cross the road?

A: He got his safety pin caught on the chicken.


Q: Why did a cow go to Hollywood?

A: He wanted to become a MOOOOOOOviestar


Q: What can you say to an annoying cockroach?

A: %26quot;Stop bugging me!%26quot;


Q: What color is a burp?

A: Burple.


Q: What kind of key can%26#039;t open a door?

A: A donkey.


Q: Why must two elephants go for a swim in the pool?

A: Because they need a pair of trunks.


Q: Why did the gum cross the road?

A: Because it was stuck to the chicken%26#039;s foot!


Q: What has four legs, is big, green, fuzzy, and if it fell out of a tree it would kill you?

A: Pool table.


Q: What do you call a cat who eats lemons?

A: A sour puss.

Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?

A: A bulldozer.

Raveena: %26quot;Last night I dreamt that I was eating a giant marshmallow.%26quot;

Mary: %26quot;Really?%26quot;

Raveena: %26quot;Yes, and when I woke up, my pillow was

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